Every activity in Scouts needs approval. However, many of the activities that sections complete do not need approval from the district to run. Instead, this approval is delegated to Group Scout Leaders (Group Lead Volunteers) for Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts or the District Explorer Scout Commissioner (14-24 Team Leader) for Explorers.
Group Scout Leaders (Group Lead Volunteers) are responsible for approving all activities in their group’s sections. This in practice will be through reviewing the programme of their sections and having discussions with section leaders, to ensure these activities are being run safely.
The District Explorer Scout Commissioner (14-24 Team Leader) is responsible for approving all Explorer Scout Units’ activities. This in practice will be through reviewing the programme of the Explorer Scout Units and having discussions with leaders, to ensure these activities are being run safely.
N.B. if any of the following apply, then a district activity notification is required:
- Any activity taking place outside of the geographical area of Wansdyke (as defined by this map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1rbD4im05G8s5TBgn41b5BR4Q9jAjMPE&ll=51.34219421852577%2C-2.511177&z=11)
- Any activity as detailed in the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme (POR rule 9.7), regardless of geographical location
- Any activity which requires specialist training or a qualification to run (for example, air rifle shooting, tomahawk throwing and swimming).