Training hub

Helping our volunteers be the best they can

Our volunteers come from all walks of life, so we recognise that each person has their own set of needs to feel comfortable in their role. The Scouts’ award-winning training scheme has a range of ‘modules’ to help.

The training journey: how does it work?

1: Meet with your training advisor

This is a volunteer who can support you with training and will most likely be based in your group or unit. If you’re unsure who this is, speak to your Group Scout Leader or contact the Local Training Manager.

2: Decide on your personal learning plan with your training advisor

The training programme consists of a range of modules. You may already have some experience, from a job for example, and won’t have to complete any learning for some modules. Your personal learning plan (or PLP) will be a record of which modules you need to complete, and how this will be done (for instance, a training course, on-the-job, e-learning, amongst other methods)

3: Complete your learning

As agreed in your personal training plan, begin to work through your modules. Your training advisor is there to support you throughout your time learning.

4: Validate and review

Once you’ve completed your learning, your training advisor can update your records in a process known as ‘validation’. This is a discussion on the learning you have completed to allow you both to reflect and make sure you’re happy with what you’ve learned. You can then discuss how you’ll complete your next module.

Mandatory ongoing learning

Access the modules which most volunteers are required to complete every three years.


This safety training is designed to help you stay up-to-date on safety practice and your responsibilities as a member of Scouts.


This safeguarding training is designed to help you stay up-to-date on safeguarding practice and your responsibilities as a member of Scouts.

First Aid

This module aims to cover the skills and knowledge necessary to enable adults to manage an incident and provide basic first aid.

What training do I need to do?

Select your role and our friendly virtual assistant will let you know the training you need to complete.

Training sessions

Your training adviser can tell you the method of delivery required for each module. There may be opportunities to complete modules through e-learning, 1-to-1 sessions, small group sessions, a workbook or other means. For some modules, a face-to-face training session (or online-format alternative) is required.

Where local training opportunities are being provided (ie within the district or being run by groups), training advisers will be notified. They will also be advertised on our district calendar.

View Avon Scouts (County) Training Dates >

Support for training advisers (TAs)

The national website has information and resources to help you complete your role.

View now >

You can also contact the Local Training Manager for guidance and support.

Need further support?

Our Local Training Manager, Stuart Whale, is available to provide support with training queries from learners, managers and training advisers.

You can reach out to Stuart via

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