Programme support

Make your programme fun, exciting and engaging.

The Scouting Method

There are a set of guidelines that provide a basis to create a quality programme that engages young people.

Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

  • enjoy what they are doing and have fun
  • take part in activities indoors and outdoors
  • learn by doing
  • share in spiritual reflection
  • take responsibility and make choices
  • undertake new and challenging activities
  • make and live by their Promise.

Plan your programme

Top Tip
Use the built-in programme builder tool in Online Scout Manager as you go. You can add details, fill in badge requirements and even find activity ideas!

Activity Finder

Activity Finder

The Scouts have put together an activity finder that includes over 1000 ideas! You can filter by section, meeting place, badge requirements, duration and skill.


Activities can often be planned around the requirements for meeting badges. Why not ask your young people which badges they’d like to focus on through the term?

Adventurous Activities

These activities are a great way of introducing exciting activities which young people may not have experienced before. These types of activities often require specialist leadership or equipment. You can find out more by contacting our Assistant District Commissioner (Activities).


Lots of online videos with fun activities and programme ideas.

Online Scout Manager

Online Scout Manager provides loads of ideas written by leaders from around the county. Simply login and click on ‘Programme’ then ‘Activities’.

Wansdyke Facebook Group

We’ve got a Facebook group just for leaders and volunteers in Wansdyke. You’ll find a community of leaders with ideas to share!

Youth-shaped Scouting

Allowing young people to shape the section is a fundamental part of Scouts and part of what makes us so relevant in an ever-changing world.

Giving young people the chance to plan, represent and lead should form the basis of the programme.

Delivering your programme

Safety and safeguarding

It’s important that wherever we go and whatever we do, our members’ health and wellbeing is top of the list.

Find out more about the steps leaders should take to ensure a safe, fun programme >


View The Scouts’ guidance on record keeping and administrative tasks >

Nights Away and Adventurous Activities

These are exciting methods of delivering activities.

View our specific page on nights away and activities for support, useful information and notification forms >

Useful information

You can find practical advice on how to run your section on The Scouts’ website >

Further Support

Contact Tony Clutten, Assistant District Commissioner (Activities).

Tony can advise and support on activities, the activity permit scheme and running adventurous activities.

For section specific enquiries, you can also contact the Assistant District Commissioner for Beaver Support, Cubs Support, Scouts Support or the District Explorer Scout Commissioner.

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