Janet Turner was presented with ‘The Silver Wolf’ the highest service award in Scouting by District Lead Volunteer Graham Bush during the annual carol service of 1st Radstock Scout Group. The award recognises Janet’s adult leadership within Scouting spanning nearly fifty years. It is the unrestricted gift of Chief Scout Dwayne Fields, and is only awarded for service of a most exceptional nature.
Janet’s current main role is that of Lead Volunteer (formerly Group Scout Leader) of 1st Radstock Scout Group. She, along with her husband Dave, over the last 18 years of stewardship, have built the Group into the vibrant and welcoming place it is today increasing the number of Beavers, Cubs, Scout and Leaders to over 80 and with an Explorer Scout Unit also based there. This has been brought about by Janet’s enthusiasm and commitment.
Having completed 10 years as District Commissioner, Janet turned her attention solely to 1st Radstock group and immediately continued its development. With pure hard work and commitment she canvassed around and began to make an impression on the local area. This has progressed, despite Covid, for a year-on-year increase in young people to where we are today.
As well as running the Scout Group, Janet is heavily involved in Scouting at District level. She is joint chair of the Appointments Panel, welcoming and giving guidance to adults taking on new roles.
She inaugurated Wansdyke District Scout Jamboree ‘WanJam’ in 2007 and ran three successful Jamborees in total. She was on hand to advise the new organising team for this year’s event which led to over 700 members of the District enjoying an activity-filled weekend in June.
District Lead Volunteer Stuart Ballard said: “I have known Janet for over 40 years and she has never failed to give of her best to Scouting and her beloved Radstock Group. It would be impossible to count the young people that have benefitted from Janet’s care and time, and I know there will be big cheer from all involved in Scouting in the area as this Silver Wolf is awarded.”
Photo (courtesy of Stuart Whale): Graham Bush from Wansdyke District Scouts presents Janet Turner with her Silver Wolf award